Darrelle Revis: NFL Players Didn’t Consider Future Health in Approving CBA

Aliquippa native and Pitt alum Darrelle Revis is not a fan of the new NFL collective bargaining agreement, which was officially ratified by the NFL Players Association on Sunday.

Revis, who retired from the NFL after an 11-year career that ended in 2017, does not think the new CBA does enough to help retired NFL players.

“The PLAYERS who voted ‘yes’ did not consider the affect it would have on former players dealing with [total and permanent] disability with the understanding they shall [too] succumb to these issues.”

Revis’ position runs counter to that of NFL Alumni, the retired players advocacy group, which tweeted on Sunday that the new CBA is a good deal for former players.

“The new CBA contains increased and new benefits for vested alumni including increased pensions, a reduction to three seasons for pension vesting, and a new Health Reimbursement Account,” NFL Alumni wrote.

“This CBA approval is good news for many of us.”

NFL vice president Troy Vincent touted that as part of the deal, 11,500 vested veterans will see an increase in their pensions, in many cases by 60 percent of more and that surviving spouses and children of legends will also see a pension increase.

Revis, who earned over $100 million in his career, thinks that current players did not factor in their future health in making their decision to approve the CBA, which narrowly passed.

“The current players are not realizing they [too] will be in these same scenarios once retirement sets in,” he continued on Twitter. “Disability will play a huge factor in their lives. I’m just saddened they are willing to ignore the truth behind playing this game we love.”

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