Report: Green Bay to Host 2022 NFL Draft

The Green Bay Packers and the Greater Green Bay Area will serve as hosts of the 2022 NFL Draft,″>according

to Kyle Cousineau (@KCousineau09 on Twitter).

After deciding to rotate the NFL Draft location a few years from its stable home of New York City, Philadelphia, Dallas, Chicago, Nashville, and this year, Las Vegas have all been able to host the draft. Cleveland is scheduled to serve as host in 2021 and Kansas City is in line to host in 2023.

While many may argue the one difference between all of those places and Green Bay (and maybe Cleveland too) is they are destination cities and more popular tourist locations. Even though few decide to visit Green Bay, Wisconsin for a weekend getaway trip in the Spring, this decision is likely influenced since Green Bay is one of the NFL’s original cities and the Packers are among the league’s marque franchises.

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